Hemp Seed. What is it? How to eat it?

I bought hemp seeds for the first time yesterday! (as you can see I am very excited about this)

People have been talking about hemp for a while. I always pictured it being some weird dried out green thing. I finally made the effort to find it at the my super market, and I am glad I did. I do not each much meat and am always looking for alternate ways to get in my protein.

Hemp seed is a COMPLETE (easy to digest) protein with all 9 essential amino acids. You can get 11g of protein in just 2 tablespoons... say what? It also has equal parts omega 3 and 6 and has plenty of heart healthy fats. So, hemp seeds are awesome, pretty much.

How to eat hemp seeds? I asked my followers on Instagram and facebook and here is what they said:

  • Over salads, protein pancakes and yogurt.
  • In smoothies (makes them thicker), dressings, and oatmeal before you eat it!
  • Add it into your cauliflower mash potatoes.  (Good one!)

How do you eat your hemp seeds? Have you tried hemp milk? Maybe that is my next step.


Posted on June 18, 2014 and filed under snack.